Angst and Loose Ends

Angst and loose ends equals my liberated cross quilt. It has as many loose ends as Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy! I remade a lot of edge blocks so that it would come closer to squaring up and then struggled with the backing. There is a shortage of you tube videos on cutting, removing the selvage, and sewing long straight seams. Yesterday I got a great in store tutorial from the manager of Bernina in Richmond. Too late for the cross quilt but I think I will try it today on a smaller scale with my flock of triangles quilt. The fabric is on spin cycle right now. I may have bought some fabric for a Malka Dubrawsky project that I will try not to begin until I complete something. But beginning is so much better than struggling with all the things I don't know how to do. I am really great at buying fabric. Should't I stick with the positives?
